Become an ISV Marketplace Partner

Complete the form below to request to join the BlackBerry ISV Partner Program.

Mit dem Absenden dieses Formulars erklären Sie sich mit der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten durch BlackBerry zum Zweck der Kontaktaufnahme bezüglich der von Ihnen gewählten Software oder des von Ihnen gewählten Service einverstanden.

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Benefits to Becoming a BlackBerry ISV Partner
  • Certify your BlackBerry Dynamics application as BlackBerry Secure.
  • List your AppConfig community, and customizable applications.
  • Host application Trials and Betas with your customers.
  • Manage new leads and existing customers through a web-based Portal.
  • Gain white glove access to technical specialists.
  • Free extensions to developer trial licenses.
  • Promote your solution in the central location for Users and Admins to find applications that work with UEM.
  • Deliver your BlackBerry Dynamics application to customers without having to customize special versions.