Mobile Device Management (MDM)

What Is Mobile Device Management?

Mobile Device Management (MDM) involves managing mobile devices remotely to enable users to perform specific tasks on their devices and protecting business networks from a data breach. It’s a practice that includes enrolling and provisioning devices, location tracking, and security controls. MDM utilizes real-time monitoring to enable remote access and protect devices from compromise if they are breached, lost, or stolen. 

Mobile Device Management incorporates digital tools and software to accomplish these tasks. And while remote access is essential, the main goal of MDM is to protect business networks. Enforcing security policies is crucial to secure all mobile devices connected to a system such as:

  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Laptops
  • IoT devices

MDM software allows IT teams to have full control over all the devices connected to the network. With Mobile Device Management tools, organizations can secure administrative policies on any device connected to its network.

The Mobile Device Management market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 26 percent until 2027.

Mobile Device Management Benefits

Workers increasingly depend on mobile devices to accomplish tasks more effectively, but not without risk to business networks. MDM bolsters network security and empowers workers to use their own devices. This allows them to work more efficiently without compromising enterprise security.

More Benefits of Mobile Device Management

Simplify data governance: MDM helps consolidate, enhance, cleanse, and govern data across numerous devices from one platform.

Launch new products and services faster: MDM improves business efficiency and reduces time to market with the ability to share, publish, and syndicate information across all network channels.

Lower operation costs: Using company-owned devices does ensure some security, but MDM enables workers to implement BYOD programs securely.

Maintain regulatory compliance: According to new compliance laws, private customer information like location and behaviors must be accessed, deleted, and edited from a single point.

Provide better customer experiences: Drive marketing and sales strategies with customer data collected from several sources, consolidated into one data stream.

Features of Mobile Device Management

MDM covers an array of issues that organizations need to address. Digital transformation, the rise of remote work, and the increasing sophistication of cyber threats call for a centralized view of all the devices connected to a network.

Key Features of MDM Software

1. Network Segregation

MDM divides enterprise networks into smaller sections called subnets to improve performance and security. Only those with permission can access specific subnets dedicated to certain data and processes. 

2. Application Management

MDM offers teams the opportunity to offer a catalog of enterprise apps approved for download that can be accessed on a restricted basis. This eliminates the need for IT installation and enables IT to update apps across a distributed network of mobile devices automatically. 

3. Application Monitoring

MDM enables IT to monitor and perform admin across the network remotely. MDM software scans I/O requests so that teams can correct issues, lock lost or stolen devices, wipe compromised devices, monitor for security vulnerabilities and behaviors, and perform analytics. 

4. Data Recovery

MDM offers organizations a simple platform that can be used to restore backup data across numerous mobile devices connected to an enterprise network. 

How It Works

While remote work is a driving factor for many organizations implementing MDM programs, MDM is also crucial for on-site device management. About 74 percent of CFOs said they intend to keep some workers in the office while others switch permanently to remote roles. Even on-premises workers utilize IoT and mobile devices to work more effectively. With added flexibility comes complexity, but MDM helps manage devices whether they are in the office or elsewhere. 

Essential Functions of Mobile Device Management Software

  • Hardware inventory
  • Application configuration
  • Application inventory
  • Content management
  • OS configuration
  • Remote device lockout
  • Remote data wiping
  • Admin troubleshooting
  • Data maintenance
  • Device removal
  • Policy management

MDM solutions are administered through centralized remote management of servers and clients. These platforms can identify network devices and manage remote device configurations automatically. Each organization will have unique network and device management systems needs, so MDM software can be configured to meet organizational policies for managing devices, apps, content, and operating systems. 

MDM vs. EMM vs. UEM

Mobile Device Management helps organizations remotely manage mobile devices and enables users to perform authorized tasks. It helps improve productivity by allowing users to have automatic access to the systems they need and reducing downtime with centralized update management. MDM also reduces risk and improves IT oversight. 

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) involves processes to manage mobile devices, wireless networks, and other devices across enterprise networks. This software also allows businesses to perform tasks associated with MDM, but with the added benefit of nuanced control of organizational applications, mobile devices, and stationary devices. 

Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) takes MDM and EMM a step further with increased visibility of enterprise networks and a more comprehensive range of features. With UEM, organizations can secure and manage a wide range of employee devices and the services they need to work efficiently. This helps improve UX for workers and enterprise security for the organization. 


What is Mobile Device Management?

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a software solution enabling IT to automate, control, and implement security policies across mobile devices connected to an organization’s network. 

How does Mobile Device Management work?

MDM provides IT with a consolidated view of all devices and users connected to a network, the data they have access to, and the ability to provision from a remote location. 

What’s the difference between MDM, EMM, and UEM?

MDM solutions enhance device-led functions. EMM solutions incorporate on-site and Mobile Device Management. UEM enables enhanced security with more management potential for all endpoints connected to an enterprise network. 

What are the four methods of Mobile Device Management?

MDM offers a framework for enhanced security that includes mobile devices, business applications, enterprise data, and corporate networks. It allows IT to enforce security policies across business networks with numerous mobile endpoints. MDM enables visibility and management of the device itself, the apps on the device, the data collected by those apps, and how they are stored and transmitted across a secure network. 

What problems does MDM solve?

MDM helps organizations solve several device-related issues including: 

  • Creating a single source of truth
  • Improving data quality
  • Eliminating data silos
  • Improved onboarding, consolidating, and cleansing
  • Remote data maintenance
BlackBerry® UEM securely enables the Internet of Things with complete endpoint management and policy control for your diverse and growing fleet of devices and apps. With its single management console and trusted end-to-end security, BlackBerry UEM provides flexibility and security to keep your employees connected and protected so they can work from practically any device, anywhere.