Cylance® on the State of Cybersecurity:

Australia and Around the World


Is Australia’s Crypto Bill an overreach? Does cybersecurity come at a cost? If so, what role does artificial intelligence play?

In this video, Cylance Vice President of Security & Trust John McClurg addresses Australia’s recently-tabled draft Assistance and Access Bill, breaking from web giants like Facebook and Google in arguing that the Bill does not threaten privacy concerns.

The former chief security officer of Dell, Honeywell, and Lucent, who has also served in the FBI, addresses a broad range of critical cybersecurity issues in the video, including:

  • Today’s threat landscape
  • Why AI matters in security
  • Why collaboration between CISOs matters
  • How Cylance helps its customers improve their security stance

Put on your seatbelt as McClurg provides a no-holds-barred exposition on the state of cybersecurity. It’s one video you don’t want to miss.

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