Initially developed as an adversary simulation tool with threat emulation capabilities, Cobalt Strike has since evolved into one of the most persistent attack methods utilized by threat actors. Threat researchers recently reported an incredible 161% year-over-year uptick in the use of Cobalt Strike by cybercriminals, making it effectively a mainstream tool in the cybercrime world.
The BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team has developed an automated system to help locate this type of threat – before it causes harm.
Finding Beacons in the Dark: A Guide to Cyber Threat Intelligence is the most comprehensive collection of cyber threat intelligence (CTI) focused on Cobalt Strike team servers ever produced.
Please join our Threat Research & Intelligence Executives for:
a deeper dive into Cobalt Strike
to better understand the threat landscape
some insight into the book
Tom Bonner
Distinguished Threat Researcher
Jim Simpson Director, Threat Intelligence