What if your security policies could relax when your users are at the office or other trusted spaces. Or if those policies could sense when something is amiss and automatically lock down a device? Today, we face another critical issue in mobile device management that needs to be overcome: with so many devices requiring access to an organization’s network, continuing to rely on people to manually push security policies out to those devices is no longer an effective approach.
Introducing CylancePERSONA, an advanced solution built on the BlackBerry Spark™ platform that intelligently administers and enforces security policies across all of an organization’s endpoints by way of AI and analytics-driven contextual attributions.
Please join Andy Grayson, Principal Solutions Engineer, as he dives deeper into BlackBerry’s adaptive endpoint protection where you can expect to hear the following:
- BlackBerry is changing the way in which you can authenticate
- Why be limited by passwords and Biometrics?
- Let the way you use your device provide the protection you need

Principal Solutions Engineer