On-Demand Webinar: Quantum Computing will break your cyber defenses. How will you prepare and prevent the next generation of cyber-attacks?
Quantum computing technology has never been closer to becoming a reality. But the promise of quantum computing brings with it the new risk of quantum systems being used to break current cryptosystems, a task to which they are ideally suited.
A handful of companies have already demonstrated early-stage quantum processors and approaches to scale quantum technology. Increases in investment and new architectures and error correction methodologies are steadily increasing the reliability of quantum computing circuitry. Quantum computing seems to be an inevitability and given the lead times of developing new connected products, the time to start the transition to quantum resistant cryptography is now.
This webinar will review recent quantum computing advances and simple, cost-effective approaches your company can take to begin mitigating the risk of “Y2Q”, the year in which traditional cryptosystems start being undermined.
This on-demand webinar will cover:
Where quantum computing research is now
What is the plausible threat to current cryptography methodologies
The approaches that developers and manufacturers of connected technology can take now to help mitigate the future risk of quantum powered cyber threats
Why you should attend:
Understand the quantum computing cyber security threat and what impact it could have on your connected devices
Learn about actions that can be taken now to protect your products and business
Jim Alfred
Vice President, BlackBerry Certicom