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BlackBerry QNX and BlackBerry IVY at CES 2024

The Trusted Foundation for the Intelligent Edge

Visitors to the BlackBerry QNX Booth saw firsthand how we are leading the way towards the next generation of vehicles and other connected devices. This is why we remain the trusted embedded OS of choice providing performance, safety, security, and reliability for more than 235 million vehicles on the road today, and much more.

QNX Software Development Platform (SDP) 8.0

QNX® SDP 8.0 is the operating system at the heart of it all. Instead of choosing between performance, design, and safety, SDP 8.0 embraces the concept of no compromise, letting you have all three critical attributes in the same platform.

Game-changing performance

Future-proof design

Unparalleled safety and security

Next-Gen Virtual Cockpits

CES attendees experienced our virtual cockpit demonstration, based on the latest collaboration between BlackBerry QNX and technology partners. Learn how it consolidates various in-vehicle systems into a unified cockpit domain, utilizing QNX® Hypervisor and VirtIO for running multiple mixed-criticality systems on a single system-on-a-chip design.

Introducing QNX Sound

QNX® Sound is a holistic software environment that manages the entire vehicle soundscape—including hundreds of interactions between hands-free calling, multi-zone wake-up word and command, in-car communications, safety alerts, noise reduction, sound generation, and media playback—accessible from a cloud-enabled tool suite with a graphical programming interface for endless signal processing creativity. 

Hypervisor in the Cloud

At CES, we announced early access of QNX® Hypervisor in the cloud on AWS Marketplace for mixed criticality and multi-OS embedded application development. QNX Hypervisor in the cloud enables development teams to collaborate remotely on common targets that provide representative digital twins of complex, mixed-criticality automotive systems such as digital cockpits that host IVI systems, in conjunction with digital clusters.

BlackBerry IVY

Mobility in Harmony (MIH) Consortium, a Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn) initiative, announced that it has selected the BlackBerry IVY® platform to power its next generation Project X, and future passenger and commercial vehicle reference platforms.

The SDV Innovator Awards

Thanks to those who joined us as we honored the SDV Innovator Awards recipients—outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to the automotive industry through software.

Image courtesy MotorTrend