Signature-based protection isn’t good enough; it doesn’t work. I’ve seen many cases where malware still resided in a machine after being found by a signature-based solution, waiting for the right time to resurface. Cybersecurity needs artificial intelligence and machine learning — it needs to use AI for prevention, detection, and response as CylancePROTECT and CylanceOPTICS do.
Melvin Foong, CIO, GDEX

Prevention-First to Keep Clients Safe
"Security is GDEX's priority—our clients need to know their data is safe."
Foong recognized that if GDEX was to maintain its reputation, it needed to upgrade. Older, signature-based solutions were fast approaching the limits of their usefulness. If GDEX was to keep up with its evolving threat landscape, it needed something more sophisticated and proactive.
“Solutions built on a detection and response mindset only address threats post-execution,” says Foong. “This mindset to me means that you expect something has already exploded, and you’re cleaning up the mess. That wasn’t an option for GDEX.”
From Post-Execution to Prevention-First

Facing an increasingly volatile competitive landscape, Foong began searching for an alternative to the company’s signature-based legacy antivirus solutions, realizing they were ill-suited to protect the company. This culminated in a deployment of CylancePROTECT® and CylanceOPTICS®.
After comprehensive research, he concluded that BlackBerry was the best fit for GDEX’s needs—and the best replacement for its outdated software.
“From my days as a forensic investigator, I’ve several contacts in the ethical hacking community,” says Foong. “I reached out to ask one which solution gave him the most trouble when installing malware. He told me that after a million trials, Cylance stood out.”

Stopping Threats Before They Become Threats
CylancePROTECT, based on BlackBerry’s award-winning Cylance AI technology, would allow the organization to prevent even the most sophisticated malware, especially supported by CylanceOPTICS’ next-generation, cloud-enabled Endpoint Detection and Response. Deploying CylancePROTECT alongside AI-based solutions for insider threat prevention and .NET monitoring further improved the company’s security posture.
“Cylance starts with the idea of prevention-first security,” explains Foong. “It doesn’t rely on executions, behaviors, or attack frameworks. It stops threats before they become threats.”
"BlackBerry Software Never Failed Me”
“I'm often asked why I trust Cylance,” says Foong. “I don’t do so blindly.”
“BlackBerry's software has never failed me,” Foong explains. “Not a single Malaysian client using it has experienced a successful cyberattack, and the maturity of the AI makes it very good at what it does. I’ve also read BlackBerry’s patents, so I know Cylance does what it’s supposed to do.”
Lightweight and autonomous, Cylance integrated seamlessly with GDEX's existing infrastructure, considerably reducing GDEX's IT workload. Alongside BlackBerry's exceptional support, Foong feels he has perfect foundation with which to GDEX secure.