Twenty years ago, all you really needed was antivirus software and a firewall, and you were in pretty good shape. Today, almost everything you do has inherent risk because everything is connected. All it takes for someone to get onto your network is a single mistake. Having a vendor whose full-time job is to provide security services is now more crucial than ever, especially in organizations without a large IT team.
Craig Rhinehart, CIO, Robinson Grimes

Solving for Up-Scaling
Although Robinson Grimes is a relatively large firm, its IT department is comparatively small, with Rhinehart and his team primarily managing its security demands through CylanceENDPOINT™. Rhinehart knew that as the firm continued to grow, the firm’s ability to manage its own security needs would eventually diminish. Even AI-powered endpoint protection could only take it so far.
“We started thinking about what might happen after-hours, when we lacked internal coverage within our own team,” he explains. “We knew that any gap in our coverage would eventually become a problem.”
Too Many Windows, Not Enough Watchmen

The problem facing Robinson Grimes was clear — it simply didn’t have enough people. With that in mind, Rhinehart and his colleagues began looking into managed security. It didn’t take them long to decide on CylanceMDR™.
“We evaluated several vendors, and one of the questions we asked concerned their internal response capability,” says Rhinehart. “If we needed digital forensics or remediation, was that capability baked into the vendor’s product or service? Several of the vendors I talked to admitted to leaning on their channel partners for that service — I didn’t love that answer, as I knew BlackBerry and Cylance offered that internally.”

Extending the Team for ‘Round-the-Clock Coverage
A subscription-based, 24x7 managed detection and response (MDR) solution, CylanceMDR combines sophisticated artificial intelligence, deep expertise, and holistic telemetry into a single solution. With CylanceMDR, BlackBerry’s analysts can act as an extension of Robinson Grimes’s team, providing them with actionable intelligence and proactive, preventative security.
“BlackBerry was already trusted and known to us, and it was simple to just expand the use of our existing tools,” notes Rhinehart. “I also had full confidence in BlackBerry’s support and response capabilities. I knew BlackBerry would have our backs when we weren't working."
"I Sleep Better at Night Knowing CylanceGUARD* Is Supporting Us."
With CylanceMDR fully deployed, Robinson Grimes operates mostly as it did before, save for one thing — peace of mind.
"We feel well cared for by the GUARD* team," concludes Rhinehart. "The folks who helped us get started got to know us and our business, they were invested in making sure we succeeded in implementing the program. I would absolutely recommend taking a good, strong look at BlackBerry. I’ve been very pleased with the product, the service, and the support they’ve provided.”

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*CylanceGUARD is now CylanceMDR